Color Club pop-up in Washington Square Park, January 12th, 2021
Color Club NYC
Color Club NYC is a queer mutual aid collective that began over zoom at the end of March 2020. I was looking for a way to stay connected to friends despite distance, disconnected from the broken promises of traditional institutions at the moment. I asked a few queer friends to ask a few more friends to zoom every week and chat about our goals. By fall 2020 Color Club met in person for the first time, about 10 people socially distant and masked on the roof of my apartment building.
Since our first meeting, we have grown to 60+ members, and have executed artistic projects that benefit our communities and bring young queer creatives together. We regularly publish zines that compile our wide range of interests to raise funds for queer charitable organizations in NYC. Our pamphlet series is available to view and download here, and the first edition of our zine is available to view and download here.
We host events like movie nights, documentary screenings, zine fairs, panels, book and clothing drives, fundraisers, and more on a regular basis. We are currently working on producing a feature length horror movie entirely written, designed, and shot by our queer members.
Color Club’s official website can be found here. Color Club’s Official Instagram can be found here.

Banner made by Color Club for the Black Trans Travel Fund. Hung in November 2020 on St. Marks.

Free political pamphlets written by Color Club members are free at Printed Matter Chelsea and St. Marks and handed out at pop ups.

Color Club Zine #1

Color Club Video Productions still

January 2021 zine pop up in Thompkins Square Park